Our Mission
At Eclectic Care Agency, it is our mission to improve, promote, protect, and advance the quality of life of our clients by providing high-quality services that exceed industry standards. Providing personalised care for clients will remain integral to the way we work and interact with clients.
Our mission is to continually improve our service allowing us to extend our influence and prosper as a company through providing people with a secure, relaxed, and homely environment in which their care, welfare, wellbeing, and comfort is of principal importance.
As a small company our vision is to grow bigger and be recognised for our excellence in quality of care we provide to clients. Our vision at Eclectic Care is to foster a deep understanding throughout our company and in the communities, we serve that what we do is crucial.
We visualise a company where people are changed by the gratification and humility that come when truly connecting with and caring for people during their most vulnerable times of need. This deep understanding will keep us grounded and bring about the desire for excellence that we seek in each decision we make and interaction we have.
Our commitment is for Eclectic Care to be a capable company that is known for excellence and identified by clients as the care and private duty care agency of choice.